
We’re currently experiencing technical difficulties with all Boston Ballet School registration (excluding Adult Dance Program). Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue. If you have any questions please email school@bostonballet.org.

Photo by Brooke Trisolini

Photo credit: Igor Burlak Photography

Flex Level

Co-ed | Ongoing enrollment (September-June)
Tuition pro-rated monthly | Located at Newton and Boston Studios

Upon completion of Intermediate 1, students may opt to participate in Flex. Students choosing to enroll in Flex will continue to refine their knowledge of ballet without the commitment to continuing with our Classical Ballet curriculum. Students are required to attend only two technique classes per week, allowing them to pursue outside interests, opportunities, and academic studies in addition to their Boston Ballet School training. Pointe work is not an option for the Flex level. Students may opt to take modern as an elective if they prefer.  


Flex 2022-2023 School Year