No proof of vaccination or negative test needed
You do not need to show proof of vaccination or a negative test result to enter the Citizens Bank Opera House.
Face masks
Masking is highly encouraged, but not required to enter the Citizens Bank Opera House.
Citizens Bank Opera House
Cleaning and Hygiene
Hand sanitizer stations and masks are readily available to performers and guests throughout the theater. All front of house restroom facilities feature touchless flush toilets and urinals, and touchless sinks. All food and beverage concession locations offer touchless payment options and pre-packaged products. The theater’s state-of-the-art Evolv Express system minimizes patron/staff contact during the entry screening process.
The theater is following standards of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and guidance from the Healthy Building Program of Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health regarding ventilation measures and improvements. The theater’s rooftop ventilation units have been upgraded to MERV-13 filtration. The theater’s ventilation system is being operated to maximize the circulation of fresh, outdoor air. Portable air cleaners with medical-grade HEPA filters are being installed in all restrooms, offices, dressing rooms and other locations throughout the theater.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dancer Health and Safety
Boston Ballet partnered with a team of medical professionals and AGMA, the dancers’ union, to develop a series of plans that ensure safe working conditions for our artists. Boston Ballet requires all dancers to be fully vaccinated and boosted. In addition, the organization has invested in several facility upgrades including optimized HVAC ventilation and filtration and brand-new streaming technology to allow choreographers to work with the dancers virtually when needed. Studios are thoroughly disinfected between each use. These specific, cautious, and highly monitored protocols allow our dancers to rehearse and perform safely.
Student and Faculty Health and Safety
Boston Ballet School strives to provide a rewarding in-person dance experience balanced with COVID-19 protocols and measures to ensure a safe response to dance. Boston Ballet School has developed an expansive COVID-19 Risk Reduction Plan that focuses on the health and safety of the entire community.
More information on BBS safety protocols can be found here.
Medical Consultants
Boston Ballet’s COVID Task Force extends a special thank you to these physicians for their extraordinary consultation and assistance in development of this plan to ensure the safety of our artists, students, faculty, and staff:
Thea Brennan-Krohn MD, D(ABMM)
Staff, Infectious Diseases, Boston Children’s Hospital
Staff Scientist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Instructor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Preeti Mehrotra, MD, MPH
Medical Director and Associate Hospital Epidemiologist
Division of Infection Control/Hospital Epidemiology
Silverman Institute for Health Care Quality and Safety, and
Division of Infectious Diseases
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Instructor, Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Dana Pepe, MD, MPH
Medical Director and Associate Hospital Epidemiologist
Division of Infection Control/Hospital Epidemiology
Silverman Institute for Health Care Quality and Safety, and
Division of Infectious Diseases
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Instructor, Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Boston Ballet Company Physician:
Bridget J. Quinn, MD
Attending Physician | Division of Sports Medicine | Boston Children’s Hospital
Boston Ballet Company Physician
Consulting Physician Boston Ballet School