As a non-profit, Boston Ballet School’s funds are limited, but we strive to assist families as much as possible to grant opportunities for all students to study at BBS despite financial barriers.
Financial Aid is available for both the Children’s Program and Classical Ballet Program. Financial aid will not cover the full tuition but can be used as a tool to assist financially. Our Student Services department can work with families to come up with custom payment plans tailored to each family’s needs.
If you are interested in applying for financial aid, please email SCHOOL@BOSTONBALLET.ORG who will walk you through the registration process. Families applying for aid will be required to submit a $70.00 deposit for their desired class. From there, they will be sent a link to complete the application.
The financial aid application looks at the following items:
- Adjusted Gross Income
- Itemized debts which includes education debts of parents, lien encumbrances against homes (not including mortgages), past medical/dental expenses, investment debts, past business debts, uninsured natural disasters, funeral expenses, legal expenses. Please note that consumer credit card debt does not qualify.
- Any additional special circumstances that BBS should be aware of in determining aid.
- A copy of your most recent IRS 1040/1040A/1040 EZ tax return with all related materials for both parents.
BBS also offers a 10% sibling discount for all school year and summer programs (excluding Summer Dance Program). If a family has two or more students enrolled, a 10% tuition discount will be applied to the class of lesser value. This can be applied for multiple classes for families who have multiple children enrolled.
The sibling discount cannot be redeemed online. Once you have registered, please email the school who will apply the discount and adjust your account accordingly.
Our staff is dedicated to creating payment options for each family. Our typical payment plan consists of a 20% deposit and a series of monthly payments split equally between October and May. While we are not able to reduce the tuition price, our Student Services department is well versed in working with families to create custom plans which have included in the past: changing the automatic payment date, increasing the number of payments per month, and stretching the payments over a longer period to lessen the monthly amounts. These options can be used in conjunction with any discount or financial assistance.