Boston Ballet is committed to the health and well-being of our dancers and our entire community. During this time of uncertainty, it’s important for everyone to take care of each other and themselves. Boston Ballet’s Director of Physical Therapy Heather Southwick shares some tips on how to stay mentally and physically healthy.
Stay Consistent: Try to get up around the same time every day, create a schedule, and get moving. And don’t forget to carve out time for self-care, whether it’s a brisk walk or ten minutes of meditation.
Keep Moving: To maintain cardiovascular fitness, experts recommend at least 30 minutes of cardio activity three times a week. To improve your level of cardiovascular fitness, aim for 30 minutes a day at least five times a week. Daily exercise is excellent for improving and maintaining mental and physical health.
Get Creative with Workouts: Look for online fitness classes (there are some available on YouTube), use stairs in your home, or have a dance party with your favorite music by yourself or with whoever you live with, and dance like no one is watching.
Get Outside: Weather permitting, go outside for a walk or run. Fresh air and Vitamin D is good for the mind and body.
Connect with Others: Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation. It’s important to stay in touch with family and friends who may also be feeling isolated. Try hosting a virtual dinner date over Skype, or FaceTiming a friend during your lunch break.
Clean and Organize: Spring cleaning will give you a sense of accomplishment while keeping your home healthy. Cut down on clutter by donating extraneous items to charity.
Do a Project: Use this time as an opportunity to do something new or work on something you like to do, but can’t find the time in your normal schedule.
Be Forgiving: Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is an unprecedented time and it’s important to focus on your mental and physical health.