Intermediate level students continue to expand upon the foundation of ballet knowledge gained at the Elementary levels, meeting four to five times per week. Focusing on development of ports de bras and refining the quality of movement and coordination, students gain the technical strength and ability necessary for pointe work, which is introduced at the discretion of the faculty. The safety of our students is our greatest priority, particularly when considering going en pointe. Students must be physically strong and mature enough to manage the demands. In addition, character dance and modern becomes part of the core curriculum (character at Intermediate 1 and modern requirement at Intermediate 3), helping to enhance musicality. Progression within the Intermediate levels is dependent upon the ability of the student, as well as their level of commitment to further training. Completion of the Intermediate levels equips students with a thorough knowledge of classical ballet vocabulary to support promotion to the Advanced level of study. Students have the benefit of a deep connection with the Boston Ballet Company including exclusive opportunities to audition for Company productions such as Mikko Nissinen’s The Nutcracker and other School performance opportunities throughout the school year.
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
Intermediate 3
School Year Resources